Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Walk With Me - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Walk With Me
Now Think On This
Steve Martin

“They heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. Then the Lord God called to the man, and said to him, " Where are you?" (Genesis 3:8-10, NASU)

During a weekend leadership gathering of staff and leaders of volunteer groups, held in the first week of November 2018, a particular time of worship was especially “sweet”, as we used to say in the 70’s. With an acoustic guitar, acoustic bass and a conga drum, the 51 participants sang their hearts out (not literally of course) as the music flowed. It was one of those times of worship when you just want to sit and soak in His presence. Ever experience that? I surely hope so.

I have come to know when the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) moves upon me to prophesy. Even after 40 or more years of sharing prophetic word and songs, I still get that feeling in my chest and stomach, prompting me to step out in faith and start speaking, or singing. Usually, I only get a word. Sometimes just a picture in my mind that I interpret at least part of its meaning.

On this particular moment, I apprehended His presence, nudging me on, wanting me to step out in faith and sing a prophetic “song of the Lord” as I like to call it. When I did, He spoke very tenderly and lovingly. Personally, I thought it was very special, as He shared His immense heart with the group.

These are the words that I can remember from that day of the song.

“Come walk with Me in My garden. Come, walk with Me in My garden. My heart is for you to know Me in a deeper way, to experience My presence of peace, love and compassion that I have for you and those you touch. Come, walk with Me in My garden. Walk with Me.” (I repeated it once or twice.)

Very simple. Very sweet. But very profound, with words sung from the Father that truly touched a spot in the hearts of those gathered.

After the song, the room became silent, as each one treasured the moment He was having with us. I could sense a deep appreciation around me. A few came to me later and shared how the song had impacted them personally.

Our God, the only true Living One of Israel and the nations, draws us to Himself in many ways. He longs to fellowship with us, even as one passionately wants to be close to their loved one, to speak personally to our spirit and soul. He waits for those moments when we give ourselves to be with Him, in the quiet times we set aside each day. He wants us to walk in His garden, with Him.

Adam walked with God the Father daily after his being created on the sixth day. I “can only imagine” what that had felt like, and yet I believe we ourselves can have the same experience today. When the Father went looking for him after sin had been committed, Adam, along with his soulmate wife Eve, had already hid. Ashamed. Afraid. Knowing that the communication with the Lord had been broken due to their disobedient action.

Restoration of fellowship with the Father only then came possible after His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach, chose to sacrifice Himself on the cross, to cleanse and redeem us from sin. We had been separated from Him, beginning in that garden. Now that broken relationship that had separated us from the heavenly family has been restored. After receiving His forgiveness and mercy, each of us can fellowship once again with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Now is the time to give the Father the opportunity to walk closely together again. He looks forward to those “coffee times” when we give Him time in the morning, noon or evening that is His time with us, to have quiet fellowship together.

I encourage you to walk in His garden. That would truly touch His heart, and I know He will certainly touch yours.

Shalom and ahava (peace and love in Hebrew).

Now think on this,
Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.) 

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Now Think On This #365 - in the year of our Lord 11.06.18 – “Walk With Me”, Tuesday, 3:00 pm

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