Prayer Spot. Got One?
Now Think On This
Steve Martin
“However, he (Yeshua/Jesus) made a practice of withdrawing to remote places in order to pray.” (Luke 5:16, Complete Jewish Bible)
Do you have a prayer spot, a prayer place, and space where you can go to be alone with the Lord? Yeshua (Jesus) made it a habit to withdraw to “remote places in order to pray.” To me, that says a lot. It also demonstrates a real example to each of us, that if Yeshua, the Son of God, felt it was important enough to find a quiet place, in order to talk with His Father, alone, on a regular basis, then we ought to do the same.
But do we? Or do we get the One-Minute Bible, say a one-minute prayer, and do a one-minute devotional each day as we rush to the daily job, take the kids to the next event, or plop down for a two-hour movie to “relax” and let nothing else come our way until bedtime?
Do we then expect and trust that all will be just great (hunky dory for you old-timers like me) being we have dutifully given Him a one-minute time slot out of the 24 hours we each have, every single day, and then call this “living the Christian life?”
Ever try not talking to your spouse for over a day or two while being in the same house? Or have you tried ignoring your kids when they get home from school for more than a few hours, and then send them to bed, and expect that this will suffice in showing them that you care, and love them?
I am not looking to pass judgment, nor accuse anyone of not getting your priorities straight, but heh, if we want to know the Lord, and claim to believe that He is the Loving, Living Father Whom He says He is, shouldn’t, couldn’t we give Him the proper respect and time in our “busy” lives to allow Him to guide and direct our steps? By spending time alone, in quiet communication with Him, we will find out more than what we expected, and receive more than previously known of Him. Knowing God as a father touches His heart.
He would really appreciate you being with Him so He can show you more of His love, protection, provision and shalom. Each and every day hopefully.
We all know we live in a turbulent, stressed out world. Because of that, we each need real physical, mental and spiritual breaks, to get recharged, energized and ready to stand and do what is right each and every day.
“Immediately Jesus made His disciples get into the boat and go ahead of Him to the other side to Bethsaida, while He Himself was sending the crowd away. After bidding them farewell, He left for the mountain to pray.” (Mark 6:45-46, NASU)
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My prayer chair in front room corner |
Jesus got recharged, after a very busy day, by getting away for a needed time to spend in prayer with the Father. He could have easily chosen to get in the boat along with His disciples, sleep on the Sea of Galilee crossover, and let it go at that. But He knew where He got His inspiration, His strength, and His motivation to do all that He was sent to do. We must learn from Him, for He is our teacher, in all things.
As for me, if I don’t set aside time each day to be with our Lord, I feel it later in the day. My preference is the early morning hours. Yours may be in the evening. So do what is necessary to be faithful and committed to having time with the Father.
I really do personally appreciate the time and location I have set aside to pray, read His Word the Bible, and listen for that which He does tell me.
I hope you do too.
Now think on this,
Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.
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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)
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Now Think On This #359 - in the year of our Lord 10.27.18 – “Prayer Spot. Got One?”, Saturday, 3:37 pm
Other items of interest in my "prayer corner".
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