Now Think On This
by Steve Martin
“At daybreak, the court judges sent officers with the instructions, "Release these men." The jailer gave Paul the message, "The judges sent word that you're free to go on your way. Congratulations! Go in peace!" Acts 16:35-36 (THE MESSAGE)
In the late 1980’s Laurie and I, along with our four kids, lived in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. As part of my being on the Derek Prince Ministries staff, our likely church choice was Good News Church. That was Derek’s home base from his worldly travels. And because of his time away so many months each year, along with the other apostolic teams of Mahesh Chavda and Jim Croft, the local elders had asked a pastor by the name of Geoff Buck to come from Carmel, CA and serve. Geoff did come, and was a great pastor and teacher, with a prophetic gifting too, whom we much appreciated.
One of Geoff’s prophetic words on a Sunday morning got into my spirit. It was a word one receives at a particular time and your response is, "Yes, that is good.” And then the Holy Spirit implants that into your heart, and seems to sear it into your brain’s storage files. It is a rhema word, one fresh from the Lord to you, that you seem to never forget.
Geoff spoke a prophetic word about the “silver-haired” men and women of God, who would come into the fulfillment of their calling once they reached the age when the hairs on their head had turned to silver. Being my hair at the time was still a solid brown, being less than 40 years old, I knew the time coming was for a distant future in our lives. But the word was planted, and grew over the past decades.
With my earthly time period of 60 years coming real close on this planet, for this head of hair, I have already experienced the silver-haired reality, but am longing for more. Many of you are too. And as my good friend Morris Ruddick likes to say, and write, there is plenty of “something more” we are desiring ahead for us.
The Lord God of Israel is known for taking young adults in their 20’s and 30’s, speaking a word to them that gets into their spirit, and then using decades of reality living to train, prepare, bring increase of wisdom, and more fully relying on His strength (for the Lord knows our physical strength is waning!) to bring about His purposes and plans through them. We have been so prepared. We are so ready for the release!
As things begin to open up, with ministry opportunities, time and resources to go beyond the 40 hour weekly job, my sense is that those years of longing for the release are coming upon many of us. Having spent the long hours in morning prayer, attending weekly church classes and weekend conferences along the way, our time “on the bench” is concluding, and the launch is most definitely coming.
Daily I have been even more fervently praying for the release from the daily jobs both Laurie and I continue to faithfully serve in, anticipating that time when that will be done. The open doors, allowing us not to be restrained by the needed commitment to these hourly jobs, will be the path we are walking through, to go to the nations. I firmly believe that the time is at hand.
Many of you too have had the same longing, the same calling, the same urge from Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit), these many decades. As Moses was released after 40 years in the desert, as Joseph was released after his time in Egypt, as Jesus was released after His 30 years of training, so we will be released into the greater purposes of our Father. We have been prepared. We are ready.
The time of the silver-hairs has come. Our generation is going to take the nations for the Lord, to lead the generation that will follow behind us, and to do great exploits for the Mighty God of Israel Whom we have faithfully served all these years.
It is not so much a wake-up call for us, as it is a “Here I am, send me now Lord!” cry that is going to be fulfilled.
Release is coming!
Steve Martin
Love For His People. Inc.
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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)
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Now Think On This #134 “Release” by Steve Martin
Date: In the year of our Lord 2014 (03.25.14) Tuesday at 5:30 am in Charlotte, NC.
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